Thursday, May 12, 2011

Are you on Myspacey?

Kevin Spacey has threatened to produce a sequel to “Pay it Forward” and legal action against an American musician, that no one on this planet knows of, who decided to name an album after the Hollywood actor.

The “K-Pax” star's lawyers sent an autographed picture of Mr. Spacey tap dancing without a shirt on along with a cease and desist order to Jason Drake, who records under the name Cassettes Won't Listen, demanding he change the title of his new record, “Kevinspacey”. The letter also demands Mr. Drake to describe in great detail in the off chance he were caught in a rain storm with no umbrella and only wearing shorts how would he look if he had to perform multiple push ups to avoid hypothermia.

The scented letter, which was received late last month, claimed Spacey's name carries a trademark for bad music as the actor has recorded several ear bleeding songs throughout his career, including a track for 2004 film “Beyond the Sea” which no one saw. A portion of the letter reads as follows:

“So hey Jason, how are you? I dunno… I’m just sitting here on my sofa watching “Absolutely Fabulous”. I just loved that show when it was on, did you? I’m just so bored. Ughhh! I think I might go roller blading to the beach later and take in some sun. I burn easily though, do you? I always have to put a lot of lotion on my chest but it’s too hard to get my back. Do you like the beach?.......”

It wasn’t toward the very end of the letter that he asked Jason Drake to not name his album “Kevinspacey” and then Mr. Spacey went into defense mode about “Beyond the Sea”:

“I’m a song and dance man by trade and this film NEEDED to be made. I’m currently ramping up production on other bio pics of important artists such as Wayne Newton, Engelbert Humperdinck, Kenny Rodgers, Pat Boone and Phil Collins.”

Drake has now re-titled the record “Evinspacey”, and is currently questioning everything about himself.
